Download film narnia 3 sub indo
Download film narnia 3 sub indo

Why did it look bad? It's mainly because it wasn't integrated well into the scenes. Actually the green mist looked bad in every scene. This confused me greatly, because when you see the green mist for the first time it looks awful. For some reason when reading reviews I keep on reading silly comments about how this movie had good visuals.

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None of the characters except for possibly Reepacheep, and maybe Eustace when he was a dragon, were likable. The acting really wasn't all that good which was really distracting, and the dialog wasn't all that better. This really bothered me since I read the books, and I was expecting something along certain lines, but the movie doesn't really follow it.

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The movie doesn't really make much sense. Twentieth Century Fox gets a try, and well. The other two movies which were made by Disney weren't bad, but weren't the best. Since I am a fan of the Chronicles of Narnia books, I kind of had to see this one.

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If it weren't for the ending I would've given this movie 4 out of 10.

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